The GIRL in the PICTURE is finally finished, and will be published both as an Ebook and a Paperback on NOVEMBER 18th. It’s been a very long time coming – quite literally years in the making - but hopefully it’s been worth the wait. I suppose we’ll find out, once the reviews start coming in. (And – hopefully - the sales going out!)
The GIRL in the PICTURE is the second book in the September Stories (a series of novels generally set in the county of Hertfordshire, England, and, more specifically, in Welwyn Garden City) and the first sequel to The QUEEN of HEARTS, which originally introduced the characters of ex-cop turned taxi driver and single-dad Joel September and his precocious young daughter, Vic.
The GIRL in the PICTURE is longer and faster than the first novel, and introduces a lot of new colourful characters into what I suppose we could call the September-verse, including an unruly gang of old men behaving badly, a rock-and-roll legend from the past also behaving badly, and a psychopathic lunatic behaving really badly... Also in the mix are crooks, scammers, aristocrats, and psychic predictions which may or may not be entirely bogus.
Like The QUEEN of HEARTS before it, The GIRL in the PICTURE is a light-hearted crime story with elements of romance (and a little sex), intrigue, mystery, suspense and adventure. It's told with a gentle, engaging humour, and I’m hoping it will become just as big a favourite among my readers as the first book in the series has been. The cover illustration was once again created by the wonderful Jonathan Cusick, who has vividly brought to life some of the book’s main characters.
I really can’t wait for the feedback on this book!
Please check it out here: http://mybook.to/GirlinthePicture